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사회적 관계와 정신건강의 관계

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1. Introduction
2. Social relationships as buffers for health in chronically stressful conditions
3. Social relationships and allostatic load
4. Relationships as sources of stress
5. The neurobiology of social stress-buffering
6. Experimental studies
7. Conclusions and future directions


Social relationships and mortality risk: meta-analytic review (2010)
사회적 관계가 좋은 사람 -> 생존가능성 50% 증가
사회적으로 고립된 사람 -> 비만, 알코올 섭취와 같은 질병의 위험 요인보다
사망률에 더 많은 영향 미침

Stress, social support, and the buffering hypothesis (1985)

참고 자료

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