여성간호학 컨퍼런스(영문)
- 최초 등록일
- 2020.10.27
- 최종 저작일
- 2019.07
- 27페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 3,500원
"여성간호학 컨퍼런스(영문)"에 대한 내용입니다.
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여성간호실습 의학용어, 기구 정리와 저널 리뷰, 임신 단계와 특징, 임신 단계별 간호제공에 대한 영문 컨퍼런스 자료입니다.
*의학용어 뜻풀이를 제외하고 모두 영문 자료입니다.
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2. Frequently used materials (산부인과 자주쓰는 의료기구)
3. Prior knowledge
4. Journal review
5. Reference
3. Prior knowledge
1.Pregnancy care
1)characteristic of pregnant women
(1) physiological changes:
reproductive system(uterus, cervix, vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes)
uterus: The uterus enlarges during pregnancy and increase weight of uterus, change uterus shape
-> it is response that increased estrogen and progesterone
change uterus shape
cervix: prevent fetus from getting out of the womb during pregnancy
and the fetus can go out of the uterus by allowing the neck to become softened
-> goodell’s sign, friability, mocous plus
-pregnant hormone -> increase the length of the vagina and smooth muscle hypertrophy.
- ph 5.5 –6.5 keeping
ovaries/ fallopian tubes: until enough progesterone is produced in the placenta to maintain the pregnancy, the corpus luteum secretes progesterone to maintain the endometrium and then the corpus lute is lost
Early pregnancy pregnancy is caused by an increase in Estorgen and progesterone, which causes the breast to grow larger, more sensitive and stabbing pain and pain.
참고 자료
Childhood obesity risk linked to C-section and gut bacteria. (2018, february 23). Retrieved February 23, 2018, from https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/childhood-obesity-risk-linked-to-c-section-and-gut-bacteria-1.3816389