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디지털 교과서 비용편익분석 (영문버전)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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"디지털 교과서 비용편익분석 (영문버전)"에 대한 내용입니다.


I. Introdution

II. Factors of Cost-Benefit Analysis
1. B/C Analysis factors
2. Students
3. Teachers
4. Authority (government)

III. Cost-Benefit Analysis

IV. Conclusion
1. Summary
2. Limitations of Revised Report

V. Reference


Digital textbooks mean the main electronic books for students used for education at school. (Son Byeong-gil, 2001) Digital textbooks differ from traditional book-type textbooks in that they use multimedia such as animation and video in terms of information form. In addition, it has a feature that it is more interactive than the book - type textbook because it enables the reader to directly find the desired information in terms of interactivity and real - time communication. The expected effects of digital textbooks are as follows: First, the animation function can dynamically provide the experimental situation, which can enhance students' creativity. Second, the motivation for learning can be improved by promoting mutual interaction between teachers, students, and students. Third, by utilizing abundant educational contents, it can compensate the disadvantages of existing textbooks based on images and texts, and relieve the burden of preparing teachers for lessons.

참고 자료

Byun, Ho-seung et al. 2006. “A Study on Methodology of Electronic Textbook Development in Mathematics in 2005”. Seoul: Korea Education and Research Information Service
Kim, Chung-tae et al. 2008. “The Study on Analyzing the Expected Costs and Benefits with Digital Text Book”. KERIS Research report CR 2008-17
Kaminski, R., Stormshak, E.A., Good, R. & Goodman, M.R. 2003. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. ‘Prevention of substance abuse with rural Head Start children and families: Results of Project STAR.’ 16. S11-S26
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology 2012. “Special Education Annual Report” 2012 Regular session of the National Assembly report
Shon, Byung-gil et al. 2001. “Study on implementation plan for development and application of electronic textbooks”, Seoul: Korea Textbook Research Foundation
Singh, K. 2011. ‘Study of Achievement Motivation in Relation to Academic Achievement of Students.’ International Journal of Educational Planning & Administration. Vol. 1, NO.2.
Statistics Korea, http://kostat.go.kr/portal/korea/index.action
Wage adjustment situation survey by The Korea Employers' Federation, http://punmedia.tistory.com/1432
Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service, http://www.hira.or.kr
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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