사형제도 찬성 반대 입장 영어 토론 Death penalty Pros & Cons
- 최초 등록일
- 2020.04.23
- 최종 저작일
- 2020.04
- 6페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 3,000원
"사형제도 찬성 반대 입장 영어 토론 Death penalty Pros & Cons"에 대한 내용입니다.
I. Introduction
II. Pros (A logical basis for the pros of the death penalty)
III. Cons (A logical basis for the cons of the death penalty)
IV. Pros' against opposition opinions
V. Cons' against opposition opinions
VI. The pros' re-objection
VII. The cons' re-objection
VIII. Conclusion
Today we will proceed with the debate on the death penalty. Currently we have death penalty in our country but we do not actually enforce it. Although there is no execution, we have practically death penalty systems, so there is a strong opposition and disagreement. Let's divide into a standpoint and oppose the death penalty for the discussion.
<중 략>
I. Pros (A logical basis for the pros of the death penalty)-사형제도 찬성입장의 논거
1. The death penalty can prevent serious crimes.
-If there is a death penalty, it can prevent serious crimes such as robbery, robbery rape murder, and human trafficking.
-If you say that you can be sentenced to death when you commit a serious crime, the criminals will be reduced by attaching it.
2. The death penalty can build a social safety net system for ordinary citizens.
-By executing the death penalty, it can generally reduce crimes and contribute to the safety of citizens.
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