Introduction to Operations Research. Case 9.1 Money-in-motion 솔루션
- 최초 등록일
- 2019.11.23
- 최종 저작일
- 2019.01
- 7페이지/ 어도비 PDF
- 가격 2,000원
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"Introduction to Operations Research. Case 9.1 Money-in-motion 솔루션"에 대한 내용입니다.
Jake should convert $2 million from Yen to US$, CAN$, Euro, and Pound. Then he should convertthe remaining $1.6 million from Yen to Peso. Also, with Rupiah, he should convert $200,000 from Rupiahtoeach$USand$CAN,$1millionfromRupiahtoEuro,and$280,000fromRupiahtoPound. Then he should convert $1.1 million from Ringgit to $US, $2.5 million from Ringgit to Euro, $1 millionfromRinggittoeachPoundandPeso.Lastly,heshouldconvertallthemoneyheconverted intoCan$,Euro,Pound,andPesointo$US.Thatwillbe$2.2millionCAN$,$5.5millionEuro,$3.280 million Pound, and $2.6 million Peso into $US. Then Jake will have $9.6 million from Yen, $1.680 million from Rupiah, and $5.6 million from Ringgit, which is total $16.88 million. So Jake willhave$16,880,000 – $83,380= $16,796,620 to invest in US.
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