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자율주행차 도입에 관한 argumentative essay(영문리포트)

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"자율주행차 도입에 관한 argumentative essay(영문리포트)"에 대한 내용입니다.




A car that drives me to my destination without human input is one of the images that human beings have been portraying for a long time. However, these days, driverless cars are no longer science-fiction or ‘utopian symbol’ for a far future. Starting with the Google’s self-driving car project in 2009, not only the existing automotive companies but also technology companies rush into the competition(Leech et al. 6). As a result, the auto industry expects the time to release several “full automation” vehicle around 2020(Shanker et al. 25). Specifically, however, the terms such as self-driving cars should be carefully defined. There are five levels of automation for driverless cars, including no automation(level 0)(Clements and Kockelman 2). Under this classification, level 4 is only a full automation stage that does not require driver intervention and drivers in a vehicle below level 4 still need to keep an eye on the road(Clements and Kockelman 2).

참고 자료

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자율주행차 도입에 관한 argumentative essay(영문리포트)
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