영어 스피치 Information speech

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1. Introduction
I. Ballet quote
II. Ballet is good for everyone.
III. Physical benefit, brain activity, emotion

2. Body
I. Physical
A. Strengthen bodies
1. Lean and toned muscles
2. Sportsmen's ballet training
B. Better posture
1. Shoulder-back and neck
2. Parallel position
II. Challenge brains
A. Memory capacity
1. Increasing Short-term memory
2. Increasing Mid-term memory
B. Whole brain thinking
1. Ballet is a precise dance form.
2. It requires both sides of brain.
III. Communication
A. Understanding others
1. Physical awareness of others
2. Emotional awareness of others
B. Understanding of body language
1. Through music
2. Relationship with the body

3. Conclusion
I. In conclusion, non-dancers can benefit from ballet lessons.
II. It improves health, brain activities, and communication.
III. It is an important role as well as a pleasure.


George Balanchine, who was a choreographer and the father of American ballet, said "Ballet is important and significant-yes. But first of all, it is a pleasure.". Forget about the image of traditional ballet like children who are wearing a pink tutu. No matter what you are a dancer or not, you are a woman or a man, you are young or old, ballet is beneficial to everyone. So, I'm going to present good things of ballet in three parts such as body, brain and communication.
First, ballet is good for physical health. Believe it or not, ballet is a great way of building muscles.

참고 자료

Wikipedia, (2018, September 26) George Balanchine, Retrieved from
A-Z Quotes, (2018, September 30), 35 QUOTES BY GEORGE BALANCHINE [PAGE - 2] Retrieved from
BBC, (2018, September 30), Can ballet be good for my health?, Retrieved from
Adult Dance Classes Adelaide, (2017, September 11), 5 reasons why ballet helps keep your brain in top conditions, Retrieved from
Health Fitness Revolution, (2017, October 26), Top 10 Health Benefits of Ballet, Retrieved from
SelfGrowth.com, (2018, September 30), Top 5 Health Benefits of Ballet, Retrieved from
The Washington Post, (2016, September 08), Can dancing make you a better person? Study suggests link between ballet and sensitivity to others. Retrieved from
Everyday Ballet, (2017, February 09), BALLET & EMPATHY: WHY DANCING HELPS DEVELOP EMOTIONAL RADAR, Retrieved from
Christensen, J. F., Gomila, A., Gaigg, S. B., Sivarajah, N., & Calvo-Merino, B. (2016). Dance expertise modulates behavioral and psychophysiological responses to affective body movement. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42(8), 1139-1147.
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