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Sociological Analysis on ADHD(영문레포트)

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  • EasyAI 홍보배너




When I was young, I was an exceptionally loud, distracted, impatient, talkative, and impulsive child. So one day, my parents brought me to a psychiatric hospital, and I was examined . I was diagnosed with ADHD and was prescribed medication. However, my parents did not give me the medication nor did they tell me about my diagnosis because at that time, a lot of Koreans felt bad about psychiatric medication, and they were afraid if people know about my diagnosis.

참고 자료

Camilleri, N., & Makhoul, S. (2013). ADHD: from childhood into adulthood.
A True ADHD Epidemic or an Epidemic of Overdiagnosis? (2016, March 11). Retrieved November 22, 2018, from https://www.psychiatryadvisor.com/adhd/a-true-adhd-epidemic-or-an-epidemic-of-overdiagnosis/article/429034/
Brym, Robert & John Lie (2017). Soc+: Introduction to Sociology, Third Canadian Edition. Toronto: Nelso
Kimberly Holland and Valencia Higuera, The History of ADHD: A Timeline. (2017.October 12.). Retrieved November 24, 2018, from https://www.healthline.com/health/adhd/history
Conrad, P. (1992). Medicalization and social control. Annual review of Sociology, 18(1), 209-232.
Kristin Koch, What Causes ADHD? 12 Myths and Facts. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20441463,00.html
Megan Fellman, News. (2008, June 10.). Retrieved from https://www.northwestern.edu/newscenter/stories/2008/06/ariaaltribe.html
Phillips, C. B. (2006). Medicine goes to school: teachers as sickness brokers for ADHD. PLoS medicine, 3(4), e182.
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Sociological Analysis on ADHD(영문레포트)
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