조선대 영어교과논리및논술 영어중등임용논술시험 2009년 1번,2번
- 최초 등록일
- 2018.07.06
- 최종 저작일
- 2018.03
- 4페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 2,500원
1. Below are the comments from second-year middle school students in reference to the speaking component of their English class taught by a Korean English teacher. Read the comments and follow the directions. [25 points]
2. Read part of an online forum discussion between two Korean high school English teachers and follow the directions. [25 points]
Based on the comments, each student has their own problems. First, Minsu has problem with rote learning by Skinner's behaviorism. He doesn't get enough time for speaking, but he is being forced to memorize all of the dialogs. Second, Homin has problem with an accuracy. Teacher doesn't give him enough feedback or error correction, which can cause fossilization. Last, Sujin's problem is related to content validity. Content validity is how much of a relation there is between the way of assessment and what students have learnt.
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