Four Weddings and a Funeral 네 번의 결혼식과 한 번의 장례식 스토리 기법
- 최초 등록일
- 2018.03.13
- 최종 저작일
- 2017.12
- 3페이지/ MS 워드
- 가격 1,000원
Romantic comedy is my favorite genre along with the musical genre. For these kinds of movies have magic power to make me want to love. As Hugh Grant is always featuring as an ideal English man who is gentle, humble, lovely and even romantic, in his movie, I feel as if I loved with him while watching it. That’s why I used to watch movies whose main actor is Hugh Grant among the rom-coms, especially. I am not alone in this thought. Everyone may think just like me. In this movie, I’d like to focus on allusion which is attained by repeating similar plots and giving delicate difference in them.
1. Genre: Romantic Comedy
2. Narrative Convention & Stereo Type
3. Narrative Convention
4. Stereo Type
5. An allusion made by repeated plot and delicate differences in them
For these kinds of movies have magic power to make me want to love.
As Hugh Grant is always featuring as an ideal English man who is gentle, humble, lovely and even romantic,
in his movie, I feel as if I loved with him while watching it.
That’s why I used to watch movies whose main actor is Hugh Grant among the rom-coms, especially.
I am not alone in this thought.
Everyone may think just like me.
In this movie, I’d like to focus on allusion which is attained by repeating similar plots and giving delicate difference in them.
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