Southern Markets, Inc., is considering the use of ABC analysis to focus on the most critical SKUs in its inventory. Currently, there are approximately 20,000 different SKUs with a total dollar usage of $10,000,000 per year.
a. What would you expect to be the number of SKUs and the total annual dollor usage for A items, B items and C items at Southern Markets, Inc.?
The expected number are 20%, 30% and 50% at each class. So, A is 4,000SKUs. B is 6,000SKUs. And last, C is 10,000SKUs. The expected dollor usage are 80%, 15% and 5% at each class. So, A is $8,000,000. B is $1,500,000. And last, C is $ 500,000.
b. The following table provides a random sample of the unit values and annual demands of eight SKUs.
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9. Terminator, Inc., maufactures a motorcycle part in lots of 250 units. The raw materials cost for the part is $150, and the value added in manufacturing 1 unit from its components is $300, for a total cost per completed unit of $450. The lead time to make the part is 3weeks, and the annual demand is 4,000 units.
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