실업으로 인한 빈곤
- 최초 등록일
- 2016.12.12
- 최종 저작일
- 2015.10
- 4페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 2,500원
1. Unemployment of Young people and getting a job of elder
① Unemployment of young people
② Getting a job of elder
2. Restructuring
3. Temporary Employment
4. Reference
1. Unemployment of young people and getting a job of elder
Kim yun tae, 『Poverty』, Han wool Academy, p84, 2013.7.10
*As a individual approaching, individual irresponsibility and incompetence are main causes in poverty. on the other hand, as a structural approaching, it take note of economic and cultural environment which difficult to control by individual.
These days, young people go through huge difficulty due to unemployment and elders too. In present time, human's life increases until about 80, so people want to work as long as possible.
참고 자료
Kim yun tae, 『Poverty』, Han wool Academy
Story of preparing worn out, Prudentioal Life, 2012.9.20
Kim you son, Youth unemployment condition and solution, Korea labor society research center, 2015.7
서의동 외 3명, 비정규동향, 한국비정규 노동센터, 2010.8.16
'비정규직 평균 143만원…정규직과 112만원 차이', 서울신문, 2013.10.25