The past, present, future of Brazil, word count 1661, Latin America 수업 에세이 과제, 영어 에세이
- 최초 등록일
- 2016.12.04
- 최종 저작일
- 2014.05
- 10페이지/ MS 워드
- 가격 2,000원
라틴 아메리카의 사회, 정치, 경제 수업에 제출했던 브라질 분석 과제입니다.
단어 수는 1661 이고, 영어 레포트이며, 참고 문헌 포함되어 있습니다.
1. Abstract
2. Politics
3. Economy
4. Society
5. Conclusion
6. Bibliography
The purpose of democratic politics is to produce the maximum level of happiness and well-being among people without making someone worse off. It is necessary for the people to realize what their current situation is and what they would need in order to pursue the goal of democracy. Specifically, I intend to divide the condition of democratic politics into three dimensions: politics, economy, and society. In this paper, I will review the current situation of Brazil focusing on some historical facts and also predict how their democratic politics will be achieved by estimating the difference between positive and negative aspects. Before starting the analysis of Brazilian case, it is necessary to point that economic development brings social and political changes only when it changes people's behavior. Consequently, economic development is conducive to democracy to the extent that it, first, creates a large, educated, and articulate middle class of people who are accustomed to thinking for themselves and, second, transforms people's values and motivations (Inglehart, 2009).
참고 자료
‘Brazilians upbeat about their country despite its problems’ 2010,
Pew Research Global Attitudes Project, <>.
Freedom in the World-Brazil 2009, 2009, Freedom House.
Holston, James and Caldeira, Teresa P.R 1998, “Democracy, Law, and Violence: Disjunctions of Brazilian Citizenship.”, Fault Lines of Democracy in Post-Transition Latin America, eds. FelipeAguero and Jeffrey Stark. Miami: North-South Center Press at the University of Miami, pp.63-296.
Inglehart, R 2009, ‘how development leads to democracy’,
Marcos de Barros Lisboa 2013, Democracy and Growth in Brazil, Insper, Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa.
Yang D H 2009, ‘Neodemocracy and the Quality of Democracy in Brazil: A Multidimensional View.’ IberoAmerica vol. 11. no. 2, pp. 269-309.