Division Essay Final draft JYP(박진영)의 직업을 3가지로 나누어 서술한 영문 에세이
- 최초 등록일
- 2016.01.03
- 최종 저작일
- 2012.06
- 3페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 1,000원
영어영문학과 영어글쓰기 수업에서 제출한 A+ 받은 에세이 division essay :
외국인 교수님이 첨삭완료 해주신 final draft 입니다. 가수 박진영(JYP) 의 직업을 가수, 작곡가, 댄스 아티스트로 분류하여 작성한 영어 에세이 입니다. Divison essay 과제 쓰실 때 logic 이나 Flow 참고하기도 적합합니다.
첫번째 문단: 박진영 간략한 소개
두번째 문단: long and successful singing career
세번째 문단: JYP also has had one success as a songwriter
네번째 문단: as a successful artist
다섯번째 문단: 정리 및 요약
Park Jin-young, known as J.Y. Park, or simply JYP, is one of Korea’s top entertainers. Over the past 14 years, JYP has not only become Asia's most prominent musician, but has also become the pioneer and innovative leader of the entertainment business in Asia. He has gained his success as a singer, songwriter and record producer. First, he has had a long and successful singing career. He has been active in recording industry for the last two decades, and solidified his place as one of the top pop singer in Korea. In that time JYP has released eight albums and several single. In 1992, JYP debuted in a group called “Park Jin-Young and the New Generation,”
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