A+ 방실블록차단(Atrioventricular block) 간호과정
- 최초 등록일
- 2015.10.19
- 최종 저작일
- 2015.10
- 12페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 2,000원
순환계 중환자실 CCU에 있을 때 했던 성인케이스입니다 ^^
보시면 많은 도움 되실거에요.
1. 인적사항
1) 개인력
2) 건강력
2. 간호과정 적용
1) 대상자의 간호진단 목록 작성
2) 간호과정 기록지
*s/p) Temporary pacemaker in sertion
1. severe MS r. & AS r, degenerate
2. normal LV systolic funtion (EF=56%) with severe LAE(44mm, LAVI=46m/m2)
3. severe resting pulmonary HTN with moderate TR → Aggravated resting pulmonary HTN (TR vmax=3.2 → 5.0m/sec), MR(grade2 & AR grade 1~2 → 2~3) c/w previous srudy (2013-12-17)
marked sinus bradycardia with AV dissociation and Junctional bradycardia with occasional premature ventricular complexes with ventricular escape
Left axis deviation
Incomplete right bundle branch block
T wave abnormality, consider anterior ischemia
Abnormal ECG
sinus rhythm with frequent, and consecutive premature ventricular complxes
left axis deviation
Incomplete right bundle branch block
ST & Marked T wave abnormality, consider anterolateral ischemia
prolonged QT
Abnormal ECG
일반촬영(Group Code)
No active pulmonary parenchymal lesions in both lung
No active pulmonary parenchyma lesion
Clinical correlation
참고 자료