기숙사VS자취 , 기숙사보다 자취가 좋은 이유. 영어에세이 (기말고사 대체 레포트)
- 최초 등록일
- 2015.10.17
- 최종 저작일
- 2014.10
- 2페이지/ MS 워드
- 가격 1,500원
Hi, I am a SeoulTech student and living alone in a monthly paid room. Many students can’t commute to school from their family houses. So, they have to find rooms around their schools. Mainly, two ways are exist. First way is to live in dormitory and the other one is to live in monthly paid room. I think renting a room has more merits than living in a dormitory. Independent place will gives you freedom and convenience. I will suggest three reasons why I think like that.
참고 자료
http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2015/01/26/0200000000AKR20150126146400053.HTML?input=1179m( 2015.01.21, 연합뉴스, 검색일자 : 2015.06.08 )
http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2015/06/02/0200000000AKR20150602140100063.HTML?from=search( 2015.06.02, 연합뉴스, 검색일자 : 2015.06.08 )
http://www.hankookilbo.com/v/a0ca5145e0b941bfaafb9e018178dc05 ( 2015.05.12, 한국일보, 검색일자 : 2015.06.08 )
http://www.ebn.co.kr/news/view/759074 ( 2015.05.12, EBN, 검색일자 : 2015.06.08 )
youngmiPark, A study on the network residence of college students living in dormitories, 149-169 pp
MihyunKim, Food Habits and Dietary Behavior Related to Using Processed Food among Male College Students Residing in Dormitory and Self-boarding in Gangwon , 372p
hyunyiLee,Characteristics on the Remaining Dwelling Spaces in the Memories of the University Students, 1-9pp
hyesookPark, The Relationship between Happiness and Yangsaeng among University Students in the Republic of Korea , 31p