영어-외국의 사례를 바탕으로 개발도상국에서의 재난과 관리의 대처에 관하여 작성한 글
- 최초 등록일
- 2015.07.06
- 최종 저작일
- 2012.04
- 5페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 3,000원
영어로 작성되었으며 외국의 사례를 바탕으로 개발도상국에서 재난과 관리에 대해서 서술한 글입니다
Ⅰ. Background : Suffering world
Ⅱ. Performance : Disaster relief and Reconstruction
Ⅲ. Evaluation : For future
The tsunami destroyed houses, schools, health centres, businesses and entire villages. It damaged roads and transportation systems, communication networks, and water and sanitation systems. The infrastructure in affected regions was decimated. An important part of World Vision’s response efforts has been building temporary and permanent housing for families, repairing damaged clinics and schools, and repairing and replacing water storage tanks, wells and latrines in affected areas.
참고 자료
Rehabilitation and Reconstruction, by Yasemin Aysan and Ian Davis
Natural Disasters, Economic Development, and Humanitarian Aid, by David Stroberg
www.wvi.org, Worldvision International