A Review of Chinessness and Modernity in Modern China: A Very Short Introduction
- 최초 등록일
- 2015.07.03
- 최종 저작일
- 2015.05
- 2페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 1,000원
This review will explain and criticize Chinessness and modernity, the concepts used in Modern China.
Ⅰ. Concepts explained by Rana Mitter
1. What is Chineseness?
2. What is modern?
Ⅱ. Criticism on the concepts
1. What is Chineseness?
2. What is modern?
Ⅰ. Concepts explained by Rana Mitter
1. What is Chineseness?
The author of the book “What is modern China?” wrote that the shared identity of being Chinese came from the shared rituals, especially the Confucian assumptions. The Confucian assumptions did not merely regulate the patterns of behavior but served as the foundation of statecraft in China. Today we can realize the Chineseness on this account, despite the jumble of countries and peoples in the past. During the Qing dynasty, ruled by the disparate ethnic group, it was the permeation of general assumptions such as Confucian morality, standards and rituals which enabled the Chinese to call themselves as ‘people of the Qing.’ However,
참고 자료
Mitter, Rana. Modern China: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2008.