아주대 통합설계프로젝트1 전파테크(이해영교수님) 기말프로젝트 Heterodyne RF frontend system Design 보고서
아주대 통합설계프로젝트1(졸업작품) 전파/RF테크 이해영 교수님 A+받은 보고서입니다.한번도 배포된적 없는 100% 창작 자료입니다.
Heterodyne RF frontend system Design 설계를 주제로
상세 이론분석, 논문분석, HFSS시뮬레이션, 실물제작, 시뮬레이션 결과, 고찰 등의 내용을 포함하고 있습니다.
RF/전파 관련 졸업작품 및 졸업프로젝트 진행중이신 분들이 참고하시면 좋은 자료입니다.
많은 도움 되시길 바랍니다.
1. Design Goal2. Introduction
1) Select system & filter
2) Advantage
3) Components information
4) Calculate budget
5) Application field
3. Design Process
1) BPF for Band selection at RF
2) BPF for Image rejection at RF
3) BPF for Channel selection at IF
4) Total Heterodyne system
4. Simulation & Result
1) BPF for Band selection at RF
2) BPF for Image rejection at RF
3) BPF for Channel selection at IF
4) Total Heterodyne system
5. Conclusion
6. Role division & Reference
● Design GoalIn this Project, We have to design RF front end system. So we select and design Advance performance RF front end system using Microwave passive component and active component of paper.
It's design is Heterodyne type communication system. And we consider a variety of factor to satisfy expectation budget. Especially, We select and design proper Filter in person.
Finally Our design concept is High Gain, Low Noise RF Communication System Front-End-Module
for IEEE 802.11g WLAN at 2.4GHz. I think this Design experience will be valuable time.
● Introduction
1. Select system & filter
(1) select system
→ We select Heterodyne Receiver for 2.4GHz WLAN. We first cascade LNA for Low noise. And we use two mixer for 2step down conversion. And we can see that our filter's bandwidth is decrease. Because selectivity of our system is good. and there is Power amp at IF stage. because oir concept is Hugh power.
(2) select Filter_1( For Band selection at RF stage )
(3) select Filter_2( For Image rejection at RF stage )
(4) select Filter_3( For Channel selection at IF stage )
참고 자료
Microwave Engineering(3rd), David M.PozarDesign Method of the Meander-Coupled Wilkinson
Power Divider for L-band(2001), Chull-Chai Shin
Design of the Modified Wilkinson Power Divier Using
Coupling and Inductive Slit(2000), Chull-Chai Shin
PPT Material(2010), professor kyung-Young Jung
Field and wave Electromagnetics(2nd), David K.Cheng
Elements of Electromagnetics(4th), Sadiku