[독성학] Lu's basic toxicology 6th Ch6~Ch8 시험대비정리
- 최초 등록일
- 2014.07.07
- 최종 저작일
- 2014.06
- 12페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 10,000원
Lu's basic toxicology 6h Edition Ch6~Ch8 시험대비정리
<Chapter 6. Conventional toxicity studies>
I. Introduction
1. Usefulness
2. Categories
3. rat strain 선택의 중요성
II. Acute toxicity studies
III. Short-Term and Long-term toxicity studies (반복독성시험)
1. Laboratory Test
2. 평가
<Chapter 7. Carcinogenesis 발암>
I. Introduction
1. Historical Background
2. Mode of Action
3. Categories of carcinogens
4. Test for Carcinogenicity
<Chapter 8. Mutagenesis> Genetic toxicology
I. introduction
1. Health hazards
II. Gene mutation
1. Microbial Test in Vitro
2. Insects
3. Mammalian Cells in Culture
III. Chromosomal Effects
1. Cytogenetic Studies with Mammalian Cells (유전독성시험)
2. DNA repair and recombination
IV. Evaluation
1. Selection of Test Systems
2. Significance of Results
<Chapter 6. Conventional toxicity studies>
I. Introduction
** 일반독성(General Toxicity studies)
: single dose toxicity study(=acute toxicity) - 예전엔 LD50구하는게 목적이었으나 최근에는 동물보호로 인해 개략의 치사량 구하는 것이 목적.
: repeated dose toxicity study(=subchronic아급성, subacute아만성, chronic만성)
** 특수독성(Specialized Toxicity studies)
: Reproductive development (생식발생 독성평가) - 난자,정자 생성에 미치는 영향, 발달에 미치는 영향 평가
: Genotoxicity study (유전독성) - Bacterial Mutation (Ames test in vitro) , Chromosomal Aberration test (in vitro), Micronucleus test(in vivo)
: Carcinogenesis (발암성 시험)
: Irritation (국소독성) - 피부, 점막에 대한 자극이 있나
1. Usefulness
- 적절한 dose range, 부작용, target organ, system(ex.호흡계), special toxicity(ex.발암성) 을 알아내기 위해 시험함.
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