<International Law> International disputes in the Northeast Asian region - 동북아시아의 국제 분쟁 이슈
동북아시아 지역에서 발생하고 있는 영토 분쟁 이슈( 독도, 남중국해, 센카쿠 열도 등)와 관련된 국제법적 내용 및 분쟁에 대한 법적 해결책에 관한 내용을 영어로 정리한 레포트입니다.목차
1. Introduction2. Maritime Disputes
3. Divergent Regime Types of Conflicting Parties
4. Economic Interdependence of Conflicting Parties
5. Nationalistic Sentiment
6. Legal Suggestions
7. Conclusion
8. References
1. IntroductionAlthough territorial expansion was a common ideain the past century in the world, as time goes on, the countries which pursued huge territorial expansion have gone to their original condition. Roman Empire dominated the huge territories around Mediterranean Sea about 1,000 years. But it has finally divided into East Roman Empire and West Roman Empire and eventually fallen.Great Britain—once a colonial giant that expanded its territory by 100 times of its own islands (So it was called the country which has ruled the waves)—has today returned to an island state. Germany twice used military power to pursue its hegemony (World War one and World War
<중 략>
For example, even though it is not a conflict between Korea and China, the issue of Senkaku/Diaoyudao between China and Japan is closely related to maritime benefits such as the possibility of pillage of ocean transportation route and maritime resources of our country directly and indirectly. Besides, the conflict on resource development in the East China Sea and the disputes on dominium and jurisdiction of the South China Sea also serve important factors from the aspects of securing our resources and ocean transportation routes and national security including defense. Despite the fact that UNCLOS adopted in 1982 is called as a constitutional code about maritime
참고 자료
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