The Invasion of Normandy /노르망디 상륙작전에 대한 영문 리포트
말레이시아에서 교환학생으로 있을때노르망디 상륙작전에 대한 리포트 작성입니다.
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1. Introduction2. The Invasion of Normandy(D-day)
3. Effects on World War Ⅱ and Europe
4. The significance of the D-Day
5. In-Chon Landing
6. Conclusion
7. References
IntroductionWorld War Ⅱ (WWⅡ) was a long and bloody war that lasted for six years. It started officially on September 1, 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. Countries like Italy, Japan and other German supporters were called the Axis. On the other side Britain, France, the USSR, the USA and other 45 countries that opposing the Axis were called the Allies. The war spread across Europe, Asia, Africa and all over the Pacific. It was the most widespread war in history, with more than 100 million people serving in military units. Over 50 million to 70 million people died during the war. This is the highest rate of human death in the history. World War Ⅱ lasted until both the Germans and the Japanese had surrendered to the Allies in 1945 (Mills, 1984).
This paper will focus on the Normandy Landing, which was the greatest landing operation in WWII. This operation was the model of In-Chon Landing operation, which was an important operation in Korean War in 1950. With this notion, this paper will try to discuss on the effects of this operation on World War Ⅱ and Europe.
The Invasion of Normandy (D-day)
The Invasion of Normandy took place in the Bay of the Seine, on the south side of the English Channel between the Cotentin Peninsula and the port of Le Havre. The planned landing beaches covered about forty-five miles of the Bay's shoreline. Operation OVERLORD, the invasion of Normandy, is considered the decisive battle of the war in Western Europe. Overlord began in the early hours of 6th June 1944 – D (for Deliverance) Day as it was called. The invasion planning massed over two million American and Empire troops in the British Isles and supplied them with 16 million tons of materials. D-Day still was a tactical surprise.
참고 자료 -----(picture1)
The story of World War Ⅱ, DONALD L. MILLER, A TOUCHSTONE BOOK, New York, (2001)
THE WORLD AT ARMS, The Reader’s Digest Association Limited, London (1990)
A HISTORY OF THE WORLD: from the 20th to the 21st century, J.A.S. GRENVILLE, Routledge, London and New York (2005)
National Geographic Eyewitness to the 20th Century, National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. (1999)
A HISTORY OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, BRYN O’CALLAGHAN, LONGMAN, London and New York (1992) ------(picture2) p.37
Twentieth Century world History in Focus, Harry Mills, MACMILLAN, Hong Kong, MACMILLAN EDUCATION LTD (1991)
The Secret History of World War Ⅱ, Richardson & Steirman, New York, (1986)