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[Marketing Strategy Management Case9 NBB(A)] - 질문과 답변(영어 버젼), A++보고서

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최종 저작일
2페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기
  • EasyAI 홍보배너


1. What environmental issues does the New Belgium Brewing Company work to address? How has NBB taken a strategic approach to addressing these issues? Why do you think the company has taken such a strong stance toward sustainability?
2. Do you agree that New Belgium’s focus on social responsibility provides a key competitive advantage for the company? Why or why not?
3. What are the challenges associated with combining the need for growth with the need to maintain customer intimacy and social responsibility? Does NBB risk losing focus on its core beliefs if it grows too quickly? Explain.
4. Some segments of society contend that companies that sell alcoholic beverages and tobacco products cannot be socially responsible organizations because of the nature of their primary products. Do you believe that New Belgium’s actions and initiatives are indicative of a socially responsible corporation? Why or why not?


1. What environmental issues does the New Belgium Brewing Company work to address? How has NBB taken a strategic approach to addressing these issues? Why do you think the company has taken such a strong stance toward sustainability?

→ New Belgium Brewing works to address these three environmental issues; cost-efficient energy-saving alternatives for conducting its business and reducing its impact on the environment, recycling and creative reuse strategies, and green building techniques.
To manage these environmental issues, NBB introduces 3 R’s of environmental stewardship. 3R means Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse. According to this 3R strategy, New Belgium Brewing uses wind turbine to reduce its CO2 emissions, purchases energy efficient brew kettle, stores spent barley, hop grains and invites local farmers to pick this up and feed the pigs or other animal, converts the wastewater into a harvestable fish food, and even encourages its employees to use alternative transportation, Etc.

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[Marketing Strategy Management Case9 NBB(A)] - 질문과 답변(영어 버젼), A++보고서
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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