Ⅰ. Market SituationⅡ. Competitors Analysis
1. Lotteria
2. Burgerking
Ⅲ. Corporate Analysis
1. Introduction and History
2. New media advertisement case
4. Current marketing evaluation
5. SO, What things McDonald’s has to do?
Ⅳ. Suggestion
1. Advertising Objectives
2. New media advertising strategies
1) Brand Application
2) QR code
3) Advergame
4) Interactive Billboard
5) Facebook
6) Augmented Reality Advertisement
Ⅴ. Conclusion
Ⅵ. Reference
These days Fast-food is indispensable in our life. Many of people stand in a line to get the food at the Fast-food franchises anywhere. Starting with Lotteria in 1979, it has been introduced to the Korea. After that, the industry of Fast-food has been developed with the change of Society. However, Due to many diseases caused by Fast-food, wellbeing campaign and slow food, the development of Fast-food industry has been stopped. It was the highest market value “1240(billion)” in 2002 and then it shows continuous decrease until 2006. The 400(billion) of market value was lost for 4 years. Due to decrease in market size, Fast-food industry tried to reduce their new franchise. Now, the size of market starts bigger again. High inflation and management improvement is the main reason which influence customer’s mind to the Fast-food.However, fast food industry has changed.
참고 자료
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