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gender difference and physical attractiveness (comparing 5 articles)

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romantic relationship에 있어서 남성이 여성보다 외모를 더욱 중요시 여긴다는 가정을 갖고 다섯가지의 논문을 비교분석 후 평가 한 내용입니다.
A+ 받은 페이퍼 입니다.


1.Men are likely to want a physically attractive partner more than women Introduction
2.Sex Differences in Mate Preferences Revisited: Do People Know What They Initially Desire in a Romantic Partner?
3.Sex Similarities and Differences in Preferences for Short-Term Mates: What, Whether, and Why
4.Age and gender differences in mate selection criteria for various involvement levels
5.Sexual Differences in Physical Attractiveness as a Determinant of Heterosexual Liking
6.Partner Preferences Across the Life Span: Online Dating by Older Adults


There are many things associated with selecting a mate in a romantic relationship. For example, physical attractiveness, social status, personal characteristics, etc. Individuals have different preferences in selecting a mate and those elements often change in certain circumstances. There are also gender differences that affect preferences in mate selection. For example, there is a common belief in selecting a date that physical attractiveness is more important for men than women, and women have higher regard for social status more than men.
According to evolutionary theory, these different preferences for each gender were formed from evolutionary adaptation. In the evolutionary theory, the most important thing is “successful reproduction” and the evolution of humans is a process of successful reproduction. As grass evolved, human started to walk upright to look over the grass. It brought some problems with women’s pregnancy. The pressure of gravity made it hard for them to be pregnant. Even after, women had problems protecting themselves and finding food because they had to carry their baby with both their arms.

참고 자료

Alterovitz, S. S. R., & Mendelsohn, G. A. (2009). Partner preferences across the life span: Online dating by older adults. Psychology and aging, 24(2), 513
Brantley, A., Knox, D., & Zusman, M. E. (2002). When and why gender differences in saying" I love you" among college students. College Student Journal, 36(4), 614-615.
Buunk, B. P., Dijkstra, P., Fetchenhauer, D., & Kenrick, D. T. (2002). Age and gender differences in mate selection criteria for various involvement levels. Personal Relationships, 9(3), 271-278.
Eastwick, P. W., & Finkel, E. J. (2008). Sex differences in mate preferences revisited: do people know what they initially desire in a romantic partner?. Journal of personality and social psychology, 94(2), 245.
Kanin, E. J., Davidson, K. R., & Scheck, S. R. (1970). A research note on male‐female differentials in the experience of heterosexual love.
Li, N. P., & Kenrick, D. T. (2006). Sex similarities and differences in preferences for short-term mates: What, whether, and why. Journal of personality and social psychology, 90(3), 468-489.
Miller, H. L., & Rivenbark III, W. H. (1970). Sexual differences in physical attractiveness as a determinant of heterosexual liking. Psychological Reports, 27(3), 701-702.
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gender difference and physical attractiveness (comparing 5 articles)
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