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MIS report, 경영정보시스템 리포트 (영문)

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MIS in Restaurants
The information systems in restaurants have changed a lot during the past couple of years. Today many restaurants use information system technologies for their transaction systems. The customer can see this especially in the serving system, where today a waiter takes the order and enters it online on a terminal in the restaurant or a handy computer. The orders can be entered easily and precisely with eliminating the risk of hand writing issues by the waiter. The taken order will be send digitally to a printer or just a screen, placed in the appropriate place in the preparation area. In the kitchen the chef receives these orders on a bill or screen and works further from that. In advanced systems the computers or terminals to enter the order will be routed to different areas in the kichen, such as a terminal or screen for cold meals, hot meals and drinks, where only affected workers in the preparation area can access and then process it.

<중 략>

Solution 3: Therefore, the amount of servings available, counting down with every sold item, and finally the automatic ”old out” message or even the deletion of the meal that has been sold out would help here. This means, that by enlarging the information area and adding some useful information for the customer the process chain would flow more smoothly between the first two steps, receiving the information and making the order.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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MIS report, 경영정보시스템 리포트 (영문)
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