중국 북경에 있는 UIBE 대외경제무역대학에서 기말레포트로 제출한 영어레포트 입니다.목차
1 Introduction2.1 What is maize
2.2 Maize in the world
3.1 Maize produce, imports and exports in China
3.2 Details of maize in China
4 Conclusion
5 References
1 IntroductionChina is one of the biggest countries in the world now, 2012. China’s territory volume is within top 5 in the world ranking, also China’s population ranking is top 1 in the world. In China, many kinds of agricultural goods are largely produced every year due to diversely extent land which has from step-climate weather to tropical. In that reason, China was spontaneously able to grow agriculture-developed country. It is no strange if China is called as ‘agricultural powerful country’.
Few weeks ago, I went to trip to the north-eastern part of the China. During the trip in train, I saw so vast expanse of maize field before I had never seen. The immense agricultural area gave me a question that is why they are cultivating so huge field
<중 략>
In the past several decades, Chinese government has been striving to attain ‘food (grain) self-sufficiency’. It is resulted from ‘national security and food sovereign’. It means that if food does not be self-sufficiency, a nation would be severely suffered from lack of food when the nation is compelled to get attack from other countries. Therefore, as the resource of food, maize has also been encouraged to be well harvested nationwide. Moreover, since 1980s, because of oil shock and accordingly oil price skyrocketed, China has been changing maize into ethane for combustion. Due to these factors, maize consumption in China has been gradually increasing and so do its supply. This is main reason why maize industry in China has been growing bigger and bigger.
참고 자료
민승규 외, 『식품사슬(Food Chian)의 숨은 주인공 ; 나는 옥수수다』, 농촌진흥청 Interrobang, 2011박은철, 『중국, 2006년 옥수수가격 동향과 전망』, 2006
이은일, 『중국 농업정책이 농업발전에 미친 영향 연구 : 농산물 옥수수와 면화를 중심으로』, 한국외국어대학교 박사학위 논문, 2007
한국농촌경제연구원, 『중국농업동향 ; Quarterly Agricultural Trends in China』 2008년 봄호
한국농촌경제연구원, 『중국농업동향 ; Quaterly Agricultural Trends in China』 제5권 제2호 통권 18호 2012년 여름호
Chinadaily (http://www.chinadaily.com.cn)
Nonghyup economy research institute (http://www.nheri.re.kr)
USA department of agriculture (http://www.usda.gov)