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[마케팅]베니건스 마케팅분석(Bennigan`s MARTKETING)영문

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기
  • EasyAI 홍보배너


1. Introduction

Bennigan`s with the concept of American cities is a typical western family restaurant introduced to South Korea customers in 1995. After that, it has become one of the international famous brands alongside VIPS, TGIF, and Outback. Interestingly, after the restaurant chains of Bennigan`s and Steak & Ale in America filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection. However farmer`s Bennigan`s in Korea has not become affected with it. But, it has become more successful as it has focused on healthy and organic food to meet the consumer`s need.
There are 23 locations in South Korea including farmer`s Bennigan`s which seems more unique restaurant than others. It used to be operated under the name of Bennigan`s Chicago named after one of the biggest cities in America Chicago. In the summer of 2007, it changed its name into farmer`s Bennigan`s in a bid to meet customer`s satisfaction who looks for better quality.
We are going to audit the marketing operated by farmer`s Bennigan`s locating in Apgujeong-dong.

In order to evaluate farmer`s Benniangs, we should begin with a complete analysis of the company`s current circumstance by conducting a SWOT analysis which is a tool for auditing an organization and its environment.


1. Introduction
The reason why we choose the farmer`s Bennigan`s as our main subject

2. SWOT analysis
2-1. Strength
2-1-1. The quality of food
2-1-2. The partnership in association with Market-O
2-1-3. Barunsongames company bought Benngians
2-1-4. HRM(Human Resource management)
2-2. Weakness
2-2-1. The bankrupt of the headquarter in the United States
2-2-2. Deficit operation
2-2-3. A lack of marketing
2-3. Opportunity
2-3-1. People`s taste have become westernized
2-3-2. The increase interest of health
2-4. Threats
2-4-1. Competitors
2-4-2. The appearance of the Seafood restaurant
2-4-3. The low perception by customers

3. Current strategy
3-1. Product
3-2. Price
3-3. Place
3-4. Promotion
3-4-1. One store two brands
3-4-2. Open-kitchen
3-4-3. Localizing
3-5 Targeting

5. Future strategy
5-1. Internet reservation and delivery in real time.
5-2. Bennigans Money.
5-3. The inserting ingredients on the menu.
5-4. Renewal and market penetrating.
5-5. Advertisement.

6. Conclusion
Welcome to farmer`s Bennigan`s

7. Reference


1. Introduction

Bennigan`s with the concept of American cities is a typical western family restaurant introduced to South Korea customers in 1995. After that, it has become one of the international famous brands alongside VIPS, TGIF, and Outback. Interestingly, after the restaurant chains of Bennigan`s and Steak & Ale in America filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection. However farmer`s Bennigan`s in Korea has not become affected with it. But, it has become more successful as it has focused on healthy and organic food to meet the consumer`s need.
There are 23 locations in South Korea including farmer`s Bennigan`s which seems more unique restaurant than others. It used to be operated under the name of Bennigan`s Chicago named after one of the biggest cities in America Chicago. In the summer of 2007, it changed its name into farmer`s Bennigan`s in a bid to meet customer`s satisfaction who looks for better quality.
We are going to audit the marketing operated by farmer`s Bennigan`s locating in Apgujeong-dong.

In order to evaluate farmer`s Benniangs, we should begin with a complete analysis of the company`s current circumstance by conducting a SWOT analysis which is a tool for auditing an organization and its environment.

참고 자료

Bennigans web site, "http://www.bennigans.co.kr/
Biz place "Again Bennigan`s" recording time 2009/06/22 18:38
Brand Stock web site, http://www.brandstock.co.kr/
Chosun news paper : The reforming of farmer`s bennigan`s recording time 2007/08/27
Junghwa, Kim(2002) "The Influences on Brand Image for Customer Loyalty in
Out back steak house web site, http://www.outback.co.kr/
Philp kolter and Gary Amstrong(2010) "The principle of marketing"
Story search : "The healthy receipt" recording time 2008/7/25
TGIF Fridays web site, "http://www.tgif.co.kr/"
The Korea Chamber Of Commerce and Industry web site, "http://www.korcham.net/"
Trend monitor marketing research company, "http://www.trendmonitor.co.kr/"
Hana Company Limited web site, "http://www.hanaw.com/"
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[마케팅]베니건스 마케팅분석(Bennigan`s MARTKETING)영문
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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