2012 강성대국을 목표로 했던 북한2012 년 미국, 한국등 중요 국가의 대선
2012년 국제관계의 중요시기
In the film 2012, the Earth is obliterated by a series of destructive natural disasters; earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanic eruptions, typhoons and glaciers. Today, the North Korean government is trying to prevent pirated copies of the film 2012 from getting into their country because they fear that the disaster movie could jinx its lucky year (The Telegraph). The North Korean government has declared that 2012 will be the year that North Korea will “open the grand gates to becoming a rising superpower.” Also, 2012 will mark the centennial of the birth of Kim il-sung, the founder of North Korea and who is still regarded as “The Great Leader”참고 자료
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