Sally meet friend`s boyfriend Harry while carpooling to begin their careers in New york City.
They discuss whether a man and a woman can be ever just friends.
Harry`s view that men and women can`t be friends without sex. Sally disagrees that men and women can be strictly friends without sex. This argument becomes an underlying theme to the movie.
Can`t boys and girls find real friendship with the opposite sex?
I think that this movie is a point at issue to make a close opposite sex friend.
I agree to a Sally`s opinion. Not boyfriend, Sally suggest she is able to make opposite sex friend as the same sex; give and take to a privacy or a secret.
To make the other sex proper regardless of sex.
It`s nomal for each person to think somewhat differently, but Harry differs from me in his way of thinking.
He has been self-centered thinking, and Harry force Sally`s ideas on. Why doesn`t Harry believe to associate with the other sex?
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