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reading explorer 4 Unit 2-A

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reading explorer 4 유닛 2 A 본문 해석




Unit 2.
A. Love : A Chemical reaction
Some anthropologists once thought that romance was a Western idea, developed in the Middle Ages. Non-Western societies, they thought, were too occupied with social and family relationships for romance. Today, scientists believe that romance has existed in human brains in all societies since prehistoric times. In one study, for example, men and women from Europe, Japan, and the Philippines were asked to fill out a survey to measure their experiences of passionate love. All three groups said that they felt passion with the same extreme intensity.
But though romantic love may be universal, its cultural expression is not. To the Fulbe people of northern Cameroon, men who spend too much time with their wives are insulted and looked down on. those who fall deeply in love are thought to have fallen under a dangerous spell. for the felbe, to be controlled by love is seen as shameful.
In India, marriages have traditionally been arranged, usually by the

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