실제 기업을 대상으로 한 마케팅 프로젝트 doc (친환경 기업)
카이스트 마케팅 수업에서 실제 기업을 대상으로 마케팅을 진행하고 최종적으로 제출한 레포트입니다.참고로 모두 영어로 되어있습니다.
I. IntroductionII. General environment analysis
III. Situation Analysis
IV. Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning
V. Action plan suggestion and evaluation
VI. Conclusion
VII. Appendix
I. IntroductionThe Korean fashion industry is already very crowded, but it is going under dynamic changes. As in other industries where development of environmental friendly products is receiving much focus, eco-fashion has become an important trend within the industry. Consumers are aware of this trend, and are interested in eco products; but eco-fashion is still facing challenges in attracting more consumption from customers. Kjune, a major supplier of organic cotton in the market, has introduced the Vandis organic product lines to enter the market but did not have sufficient success until now. In this marketing project, we aim to suggest a marketing plan for Kjune to penetrate into the market and make Vandis a leading brand in this market.
II. General environment analysis
1. Political trends
Green growth has been the most noticeable trend in Korean economic in recent time. Industries are encouraged to apply technologies that reduce their level of carbon emission and use energy efficiently.
The Korean textile industry is receiving strong support from government in order to boost their competitive strength with foreign textile companies. For example, the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology has recently reorganized its textile technology department significantly to better serve the changing textile industry trends. Many MOUs with foreign counterparts have been signed to promote textile trade and foreign market penetration.
참고 자료
<Korea Federation of Textile Industries>http://www.kofoti.org/Eng/
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