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카이스트 전자공학실험2 실험3 Digital Design Using Microcontroller (1st week) 결과보고서

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카이스트 전자공학실험2 실험3 결과보고서 입니다.


5. Demonstration
1) Problem
2) Useful tip for experiments
3) Working principle of Stopwatch

6. Consideration

7. Reference

8. 고찰


5. Demonstration
1) Problem
(A) 7-Segment
Implement the stopwatch. The timer starts when INT0 button is pushed, and the timer stops when INT0 button is pushed again. The timer becomes “0.00” (cleared) when TIMER0 button is pushed.
Time is represented through three 7 segment logic. During first 10 seconds, the leftmost 1 segment logic represents „.second‟. unit, the middle one represents „.1/10 second‟., and the rightmost one represents „.1/100 second‟. unit. At this time, there is a decimal point between leftmost one and right 2 logics, i.e. between 1 second and 1/10 second.
After 10 seconds, 2 left segments represent the „.second‟. level and the rightmost one represents „.1/10 second‟.. In other words, the position of a decimal point shifts right and the number of 1/100 second is disappeared. (Resolution is decreased, and scale is increased.) Then, the timer can represent up to 99.9 second.

During stopwatch operates, 8 LED turn on one after the other every seconds. In other words, the time for passing one LED is 0.25 second.
When the moment that N-th LED turns on, (N-1)-th LED continues to be turned on.
When the whole 8 LED turn on, 8 LED turn off one after the other every seconds (start from 1st LED). The time interval is same as before (0.25 second for every LED).

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