진동 및 동적 시스템 실험 기본계측 실험 보고서 (영어)
- 최초 등록일
- 2011.06.23
- 최종 저작일
- 2011.05
- 21페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 1,000원
진동 및 동적 시스템 실험의 기본계측 실험 보고서 입니다.
주제는 Basic Tools for Measurement 입니다.
영어(원어)로 작성된 보고서이며
결과분석 및 고찰을 포함하고 있습니다.
신경써서 쓴 보고서 이며 성적또한 최고 성적을 받았던 보고서 입니다.
유용하게 쓰시기 바랍니다.
1.Purpose of experiment
2. Experimental equipment
2.1 NI ELVIS system
2.2 Digital Multimeter
2.3 Function Generator
2.4 Oscilloscope
2.5 Variable Power Supplies
3.1 Resistors
3.2 Ohm’s Law
3.3 Four-band resistors
3.4 Waveform
4.Result & Analysis
4.1 The each Resistance
4.2 The consideration of Exp 1
4.3 The complex of resistances
4.4 The consideration of Exp 2
4.5 Oscilloscope, Function generator
1. Purpose of experiment
The purpose of this lab is to introduce students in mechanical engineering to the basic tools in analyzing electronic systems: the digital multimeter, the function generator, and the oscilloscope. The digital multimeter is a tool commonly used for measuring basic electric properties such as resistance, AC/DC voltages, and AC/DC currents. The oscilloscope is a tool commonly used to analyze complex signals such as those which carry voice or data and troubleshoot electronic systems. The function generator is a device used to generate an electronic signal with specific known characteristics, thereby enabling an engineer or technician to test and examine a circuit.
During this lab, you will use the digital multimeter to measure the resistance; use the function generator to generate a number of signals and to analyze those signals using the oscilloscope. You will become familiar with the basic waveforms such as sine, square, and triangle waves,
참고 자료
- 성균관대학교 진동 및 동적 시스템 실험 메뉴얼
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waveform
- http://pinkwink.kr/237