A: Hi, B. What are you reading?
B: Hey. I am reading a magazine.
A: Oh, really? What kind of article are you reading?
B: I’m reading about 박쥐. Do you know the movie 박쥐?
A: Yes, I know. Actually I watched that movie last weekend. I like 송강호.
B: Most people think 송강호 is good actor. Anyway, what character does 송강호
play in the movie?
A: He plays vampire, but also plays a father.
B: Really? That`s very surprising. Wow~
A: Who do you like?
B: I like 원빈. I`m waiting for his new movie "마더".
A: What kind of movie is "마더"?
B: "마더" is kind of drama, but I don’t know exactly.
A: OK, I see. So when does "마더" come out?
B: It opens May twenty eighth.
A: Oh, are you going to Japan at the end of this month?
B: Ah! I forgot it. That field trip is on May twenty seventh, isn’t it?
A: Yes, you’re right. I think I’m not going, but if you decided to go,
you won`t be able to go to the movie.
B: Hmm… Actually I haven`t decided yet, because I think it is expensive.
A: I think so too. Many students also agree about that.
B: So I`m still considering whether it will be good trip for me.
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