이라크 전쟁의 근본적인 원인과 결과 그리고 상반된 견해들에 대해서 써봤습니다.영어수업이어서 영어로 작성되어있습니다. 참고하세요
IntroductionIndividual level of analysis.
1. Main factor
1 Bush administration and neoconservative
2. Small factors
1 Most of information came from ‘embedded reporter, who are mostly American
2 Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship and character
State level of analysis
1. Inside factor – oil in Iraq
1. Situation of the U.S.A
2. Then, why Iraq?
2 . Ostensible factors
1. The promotion of democracy
2. Anti terrorism
3. Eliminating weapons of mass destruction
Systemic level of analysis
Having a dispute with Iraqi oil among U.N Security Council members
Personal Opinion
Personal OpinionIntroduction
In March, 2003 I remember the anchor’s voice that allied forces of U.S.A and England bombarded on Iraq, and I also remember the depressed face of Kofi Annan saying “Today is a sad day.” The war broke out in March, 2003 and then was brought to the end in May 1 2003. It ended as a one sided attack by the United States. Though Iraq War isn’t on going now, from 6years after the war it is still causing troublesome international problems. Iraq war was the latest big war in related with the U.S. which is insisting that was conducts as a world police. However, all the other countries objected the intrusion into Iraq except England. What on earth was the Iraq war? What were the reasons when the Iraq war breakout?
Individual level of analysis
one main factor and a relatively small two factors
Main factor - Bush administration and members of neoconservatives overestimated the Hussein’s ambition of mid-east area. “We agree with Secretary of State Powell’s recent statement that Saddam Hussein is one of the leading terrorists on the face of the Earth.
참고 자료
*미국의 엔진, 전쟁과 시장 –김동춘*천년의 전쟁 –안성규
*명분없는 부시의 이라크전 -배명식, 이병필
*부시가문의 전쟁 -에릭 로랑
*Plan of Attack – Bob Woodward
*2003 Iraq War –David Downing
*The Iraq War Reader – Edited by Micah L. Sifry and Christopher Cerf
*The Iraq War – Murray and Scales
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