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Plastic surgery 영작문

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/ 한컴오피스
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Plastic surgery 에 대한 레포트 영작문


Introduction Thesis Sentence : I have a bad opinion of plastic surgery.

Big point A : Plastic surgery can be a big dangerous factor.

Big point B : Plastic surgery not always successful.

Big point B : Plastic surgery negatively affecting physical perfectionists.

Topic A : Plastic surgery can be a big dangerous factor.

#1. Addiction.

#2. Side effect.

#3. Cost a great deal.

Topic B : Plastic surgery not always successful.

#1. Neglection of individuality.

#2. Some people are unhappy with new appearance.

Topic C : Plastic surgery negatively affecting physical perfectionists.

#1. Person is having a low self-esteem.

#2. It`s an act against parental love.

Conclusion Restate thesis : Plastic is in danger of ruin to youth.

Restate Point : Dangerous, failure and disobedience to parents.

Conclusion Sentence : As mentioned above, plastic surgery brings is various problems and therefore I am opposed to it.


< Introduce >

I have a bad opinion of plastic surgery. Plastic surgery can be a big dangerous factor and surgery not always successful and negatively affecting physical perfectionists.

< Support Sentence >

First, Plastic surgery can be a big dangerous factor. Suppose you underwent an operation. Should you be satisfied with the operation simply because it has been done successfully? Man`s greed is limitless. This means that even though it has been successful, it will bring another desire to do it again for a better beauty. This will, in the long run, make us toxic to the plastic surgery. In 2004, SBS had broadcasted a story of a “Fan Lady” through its TV show called “How Can This Be?” The Fan Lady’s case was a classic example of how becoming addicted to plastic surgery can destroy a person’s life completely to the ruins.

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Plastic surgery 영작문
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