Graph for the Intimacy Relationship
- 최초 등록일
- 2010.10.09
- 최종 저작일
- 2010.10
- 14페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 1,000원
Graph for the Intimacy Relationship
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Method & Experiment
1. Graph Structure
2. Adjacency Matrix
3. Depth First Search Method
4. Breadth First Search Method
5. Dijkstra Algorithm
Ⅲ. Flow Chart
Ⅳ. Solution and Result (Analysis)
1. Making Adjacency Matrix
2. Making Adjacency List
3. Find Connected Component
4. Find the contact path with cost
Ⅴ. Source code with Output
1. Source code
2. Result
Ⅰ. Introduction
In this project, we have to write program code in order to operate adjacency matrix and list in graph. First of all, we should convert input data into adjacency matrix and list, and then perform many requirement this project need such as largest number of friends, connected component and contact path with the minimal cost.
Ⅱ. Method & Experiment
1. Graph Structure
In computer science, a graph is an abstract data structure that is meant to implement the graph concept from mathematics.
A graph data structure consists mainly of a finite (and possibly mutable) set of ordered pairs, called edges or arcs, of certain entities called nodes or vertices. As in mathematics, an edge (x,y) is said to point or go from x to y. The nodes may be part of the graph structure, or may be external entities represented by integer indices or references.
A graph data structure may also associate to each edge some edge value, such as a symbolic label or a numeric attribute (cost, capacity, length, etc.).
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