Campbell, John Y., and Robert J. Shiller의 1988년 논문인 "Stock Prices, Earnings, and Expected Dividends"에 대한 분석발표자료입니다.
1. Introduction
2. Predicting Stock Return using Prices, Dividends and Earnings
3. A Vector Autoregressive Approach
4. Results of the VAR Procedure
5. Comparison of Historical and Theoretical Stock Prices and Returns
6. How Robust Are the Results to Changes in Specification
7. Conclusion
Purpose of This Paper
Accounting Earning Data가 매년 평균적으로 제공이 된다면
이를 이용하여, 미래배당의 현재가치를 예측할 수 있다.
Data Sources :
Real S&P Composite Index
1871~1987년의 배당/이익 series 등의 자료를 사용
VAR Frameworks의 두가지 목적 :
What component of stock returns can be predicted
given the information used in the VAR System?
What component of stock returns can be accounted
for ex post by news about future dividends?
· Campbell, John Y., and Robert J. Shiller
· Stock Prices, Earnings, and Expected Dividends
· 1988
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