기초영문독해 10과-2 발표
- 최초 등록일
- 2010.06.07
- 최종 저작일
- 2010.06
- 3페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 3,500원
경상대학교 기초영문독해(설정화교수님) 10과-2 : Making Fame Work 와 관련된
신문기사 발표문입니다.
* Review
*Text ①
Stars Warming Up Winter With CharitiesWhile Hollywood`s Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are busy saving the world through charity donations, Korea`s famous stars are also opening their wallets and doling out their talents to help the needy. Actor Cha In-pyo and his wife, actress Shin Ae-ra, have been supporting underprivileged children around the world for the past several years though Compassion International, a child support orgainzation. They have even formed a musical group, the ``Compassion Band,`` comprised of more than 120 members.
With the help of fellow stars including singer Hwang Bo, celebrity couple Jung Hye-young and Sean, and singer DJ Koo, the two recently released an album titled ``Love Bridge.`` ``We made this album with hopes that more people will learn and join us at Compassion. We hope people will enjoy the album and further hold hands with children (who need their help),`` Cha said during the showcase for the album last month. All proceeds will be donated to underprivileged children.
Another event filled with love will be held at KBS Hall, Dec. 5. The Joy Concert, in its tenth year, is organized by Joy Place, an organization comprised of mothers who have disabled children or family members. The event`s proceeds will be donated to welfare centers for the disabled.S
Singer Yoo Yeol will host the event, as he has for the past 10 years, with musicians including guitarist Lee Byeong-woo, pianist Yiruma and singers Kim Gwang-seok and Seo Young-eun. Tickets for the concert cost from 10,000 won to 30,000 won. Call (031) 977-9055.
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