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미국인에 대한 유럽의 태도

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An Ettiquette primer for Americans in Europe
영문자료입니다. 에티켓 위주로 서술되어있습니다.
큰 도움이 되실만한 정확한 자료입니다.


The Solution
Business Interactions
Titles and Introductions
Organizational Structure and Philosophy
Take Blame and Give Credit
Differences of Opinion


The Solution
There are some rules and standards of etiquette in Europe that are puzzling to Americans at first, and we cover some of those in this article. There are also some fairly simple rules of thumb that will spare you some awkward moments and prevent unintentional offenses.
For the past few years in the United States, businesses have been tending toward “business casual”- meaning polo shirts and casual slacks for men and women. In the recent few months, most industries are gearing back to a more “dressed up” appearance – blazers and slacks (if not a coat and tie) for men and more corporate pantsuits and dresses for women; although many workplaces still have “casual Fridays.”
As far as we know, there are no “casual Fridays” in Europe. A dark-colored coat and tie with a light shirt for men; and more formal skirt and pantsuits for women are de rigeur. Anyone wearing something less formal might be seen as someone who does not take his business very seriously, or who has too little respect for the people he’s meeting with to spend the time on his appearance.
Business Interactions
Typical business interactions are more effective (and more enjoyable!) if you consider some cultural differences such as titles and introductions, language differences, differences in organizational structure and philosophy, and issues of style in matters such as taking blame and giving credit, giving compliments, and resolving differences of opinion.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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