Signal transduction, membrane receptors, second messengers and regulation of gene expressions
- 최초 등록일
- 2010.05.11
- 최종 저작일
- 2009.04
- 39페이지/ MS 파워포인트
- 가격 2,500원
생리학 endocrine part 관련하여 작성한 레포트입니다.
파워포인트로 작성하였으며, 분량은 39페이지입니다.
영문자료 입니다.
Overview of how cells communicate
Common steps of biosignaling
Cell-to-Cell communication
Signal pathway features
Basic mechanisms of cell-to-cell communications
Gap junctions
General types of signaling mechanism
Classification of receptors
Classes of plasma membrane receptors
A. Ion channel-linked
C. Enzyme-linked
D. Regulated intramembrane proteolysis
Receptors and signal transduction pathway
Arachidonic acid signal pathways
Four types of catalytic receptors
Biological signaling : detecting extracellular signals and transducing them into intracellular changes A variety of biological signals : a few evolutionary conserved mechanism
The function of cells is tightly coordinated and integrated by external chemical signals that serve as chemical messengers and provide cell-to-cell communication.
Chemical and physical signals interact with receptors located in plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus.
Interaction of these signals with receptors initiates a cascade of events that mediate the response to each stimulus.
These pathways ensure that the cellular response to external signal is specific, amplified tightly regulated, and coordinated.
참고 자료
Guyton`s Medical physiology 11th edition
Lehninger`s principles of biochemistry 4th edition