학교 유니폼, 영어 에세이, 학교 교복 규제
학교 교복에 대한 찬반 논쟁 입니다. 우선 찬반에 대한 의견을 둘다 작성 했구요 저는 학교 교복에대한 반대 입장을 지지 하는 결론을 작성 하였습니다. 각종 자료를 통해서 정말 객관적이고 진실된 자료를 사용 하였습니다.미국 교환 학생때 영어 작문 에세이로 제출 하였던 자료 입니다
Uncomfortable Truth about School UniformsUntil several years ago, the students in few schools wore uniforms. However, these days, many students wear school uniforms and the number of students wearing uniforms is increasing. According to the article "Update: School Uniforms" on the database Facts.com, "The burgeoning uniform movement received a huge boost in 1996 when President Bill Clinton (D, 1993-2001) promoted dress codes in his annual State of the Union address" ("Update"). And the controversies about the school uniforms are also causing diverse issues by increasing the number of students wearing school uniforms. For the last decade, many researchers have different ideas and different results of the investigations. The discussion about school uniforms usually have talked about the violence, the academic performance, and financial concerns of the schools. However, school uniforms are not really helpful to the schools, the students, or their parents. Thus, the government and people need to rethink the policy and the necessity of school uniforms.
First of all, some proponents of
Finally, school uniforms make many students standardized. It`s a kind of standardized education and forceful behavior disturbing the liberal thinking of the students. According to "Update: School Uniforms", critics of school uniforms say, "Uniform policies are generally unjust because dress requirements represent an infringement upon students` freedom of expression, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution" ("Update"). Like this, the school uniforms sometimes obstruct students` individuality, creativity, and rights.
People need more essential measures to solve these problems. If they just insist on implementing school uniforms policies without any persuasive evidences, they will not be able to get agreement from the students, their parents, or the
참고 자료
"School Uniforms." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 1 Sept. 2000. Web. 7 Apr. 2010. ."Uniforms Raise Financial Concerns (sidebar)." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 4 Apr. 1997. Web. 7 Apr. 2010. .
"Update: School Uniforms." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 20 Oct. 2006. Web. 7 Apr. 2010. .