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Animal Farm: comparing North Korea to the world of animals

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George Orwell의 책 Animal Farm에대한 글입니다. Animal Farm에나오는 동물들의 왕국과 북한에 공통점을 비교하는 글입니다.




Have you ever waited in a line for couple of hours to get a piece of bread? Or have you ever had to be cautious when you want to criticize someone? Citizen of communist countries, like north Korea go through this routine daily.
For sake of this writing, I’ll briefly explain about communism which greatly affects how this story, Animal Farm exists. Communism is a theory advocating elimination of private property. There once was a time when world was dominated by red flags of communism and Joseph Stalin. After World War I, Soviet Union was the powerful nation in the world along with United States. Soviet Union was controlled by Joseph Stalin, the dictator and his communist idea which made many people struggled. Also, followed by China, many communist nations were created like North Korea, the country of worst humanism in the entire world.
In this book, you can categorize characters into two columns. Sqealers, Napoleon, other pigs are like the dictator of the whole farm. And dogs are always beside Napoleon to ‘protect’ him and create fearful atmosphere. Sheeps are steady followers of Napoleon. Boxer, Benjamin,

참고 자료

Signet classic/ George orwell/ Animal Farm
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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