Herman Merville의 `Bartleby` 작품 중 I would prefer not to를 해석한 리포트입니다. A+를 받았으며, 작품에서 본 대사가 차지하는 중요도를 고려했을 때, 전체 작품 이해에 역시 도움이 많이 될 것이라 생각합니다. 특히, `Bartleby` 작품으로 발표를 하실 때는 이 대사를 중요하게 다뤄주시는 것이 좋으며, 심층적으로 해석했을 때에 분명 좋은 점수를 받으실 것이라 확신합니다.
Since main character Bartleby says the sentence, ‘I would prefer not to.’ frequently, it should be mainly considered and also interpreted in a modern society. The story is developed around the sentence, for example, characters act and react from it and interestingly without the sentence they seemed not really move, just do something individually in a ‘peaceful’ mood. Scrivener, Bartleby, did not do anything but say the sentence as a passive resistance and it became the start of a change steadily in the capitalistic and materialistic society. It is going to be examined the meaning of the sentence, firstly, as a passive resistance to society and secondly, as a core factor of change of people’s mind. Finally the reason why he should have been passive will be concerned.
At first, Bartleby’s denial should be considered in detail. How he did resist to something? He all the time repeated ‘I would prefer not to.’ when someone asked something, normally narrator. He denied to answer, act, and even communicate with a lawyer, narrator.
참고 자료
공감의 한계와 혐오의 미학: 허만 멜빌의 「서기 바틀비」를 중심으로, Myung Ho Lee, 2009, 한국영미문화학회
멜빌 소설과 현대문학, Youngrim Sohn, 2004, 19세기 영어권문학회
절망적 인간조건의 거부 : 멜빌의 「서기 바틀비」, Jo Jae-Jin, 2001, 새한영어영문학회
타이피•바틀비•베니토 세레노, 변희준, 1990, 금성출판사
"I Would Prefer Not To": Negative Language and the Negative Character in Herman Melville`s " Bartleby, the Scrivener", Marwan M. Obeidat, 1997, 한국아메리카학회
Melville`s Tragic Sense : Fate vs Man - Moby Dick , Bartleby , Billy Budd -, Il Hwan Lee, 1990, 국민대학교 어문학 연구소
白鯨. 書記 버틀비 / 멜빌 著. 野性이 부르는 소리, 이가형, 1981, 東西文化社