Merits and Demerits of Genetically Modified foods
- 최초 등록일
- 2009.10.14
- 최종 저작일
- 2009.07
- 4페이지/ MS 워드
- 가격 1,500원
Merits and Demerits of Genetically Modified foods 에 관한 informal writing.
(설명하는 글쓰기)
Genetically Modified foods(GMOs) are foods which were genetically engineered to have the characteristics wanted like improving taste, speeding up the ripening process and increasing resistance to insects, and so on (Anonymous, 2003, para1). For example, there are GMOs such as soybean, corn, tofu and canola, etc. The law has obliged merchandisers to label on GMOs since July 2000 in Korea because of increment of imported genetically modified crops and processed foods (Chang-Min, K, 2001, para1). Some scientists had found the long-term effects of continuous exposure to these foods on human’s immune system and gene, and so on. On the other hands, other scientists said that there are many good points of GMOs. From now on, let us figure out what GMOs’ merits and demerits are.
참고 자료
Anonymous. (2003, April 30). Genetically modified food. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved October 5, 2009, from
Anonymous. (1999, September 26). Health Hazards of Genetically-Manipulated Foods. Retrieved from
Chang-Min, K. (2001). Safety Assessment of GMOs and Food Additives in Korea. Retrieved from
Cotter. J. , & Aken. J.V. (2008, November 11). Genetically-Engineered Food: Potential Threat to Fertility. Retrieved from
Ecoroko. (2009.4.13). GMO 콩과 베지밀. Retrieved from
Greenpeace. (n.d). Food. Retrieved from
Prakash. C. S. (2007, December 11). Experts agree on need for GM crops in developing countries. Retrieved from
Young-Gyn, K. (2000.01.01). Dangerous Future. Korea : Dang-Dae.