전기전자기초실험 Audio Amplifier Circuit Design 결과보고서(영문)
연세대학교 전기전자기초실험 6장 결과보고서(영문)다른 chapter는 제 박스에서 검색해주세요.
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● Power Supply for an Audio Amplifier① Record the data and answer to the questions according to each step.
② Compare PSPICE simulation and actual result, and analyze them.
③ Compare the result of circuit and estimation, and explain those differences.
④ Discuss the method of getting better efficiency on AC/DC converter.
● Audio Amplifier
⑤ Answer to the questions for each procedure.
⑥ In PSPICE simulation, analyze Vout/Vin with Bode Plot in frequency domain according to following steps and graph its data.
⑦ Graph bode plot as controlling the switch of variable resistor in question 2, then verify if it matches with the result of question 1.(We can get different bode plot according to frequency as gain changes due to variable resistor switching.)
- Reference
● Power Supply for an Audio Amplifier① Record the data and answer to the questions according to each step.
ⅰ. The Transformer
- Graph Vout using oscilloscope(Check Max, Min)
- Record Max/Min value of Vout
The Transformer
The signal is sinusoidal signal which is forming as sin function. The maximum and minimum value of voltage are about 20V, -20V in order. As thinking of the estimation error we can notice that there is a gap between theoretical value and experimental value. Actually the Vp-p is 39.2V which is not 40V. There is a loss as 0.8V. The root mean square voltage (Vrms) is 12.8V. Furthermore there is a difference between theoretical form and experimental form. It looks like almost sin function, but it is not a same. we can consider that `why happens the difference form?`. Clearly we can explain the reason as following paragraph.
- Observe that Vout is not an exact sinusoidal wave, and think of the reason.
By observing the oscilloscope screen we can easily find out the distortion of the wave. The distortion of the wave happens because of increasing the loss of condenser as like electricity device. The high temperature also can be the reason of the distortion. we can observe the voltage fluctuation from the wave. These reasons couldn`t make the wave exact form of sinusoidal wave. Otherwise it might be influenced by signal noise, voltage dropping and so on.
참고 자료
♣ Introduction to Electric Circuits Six Edition [WILEY]- Richard C. Dorf / James A. Svoboda
♣ Basic Electric Circuit Analysis Fifth Edition [Prentice Hall]
- David E. J. / John L. H. / Johnny R. J. / Peter D. S
♣ 공학 회로 실험 [교보문고]
- 이상렬 / 윤영중