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월트디즈니월드의 마케팅(영어)

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영문으로 쓴 글이며 더블스페이스는 아니구, 1.5간격이에요
수업때 배운 마케팅중심으로 썼습니다^^


1. Introduction
2. Disney Differences – Walt Disney World’s marketing strategies
1) Guest is always right
2) Family-based on marketing
3) Various Resorts
4) College Program Students
3. Conclusion


1. Introduction
I still remember last summer when I was preparing to go to Disney World. I was so excited to see the Cinderella castle and all those Disney characters. There will be no one who does not know about Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck. When I was young, there was a Disney animation show on the TV on every Sunday morning. I and my younger brother used to wake up early on every Sunday morning just to see this show. I assume almost everyone around my age would have same experience as I did. I was grown up by watching Disney’s animations and still, I can easily find their products all over the place.
Walt Disney, a small production created by Walt Disney is now one of the world’s most prestigious companies on various fields including animation/movie production, theme parks, broadcasting, publishing, music, sports and more. Walt Disney itself is not just the brand but beyond the expectation of our fantasy and dream. That is the key how Walt Disney World became so successful. That is the reason over 60% of guests is revisiting Walt Disney World. I was very impressed by their marketing principles while I was working there as a cast member. I would like to write about the main points through my experience in Walt Disney World.

2. Disney Differences – Walt Disney World’s marketing strategies
1) Guest is always right
I was very much interested in Walt Disney World’s great guest services. There were few days of compulsory education classes which called “Traditions” for new cast members before they actually start to work. There I learned SCSE service philosophy, which stands for safety, courtesy, show and efficiency. Disney’s guest marketing strategy is always aimed to guests’ convenience and satisfaction.

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월트디즈니월드의 마케팅(영어)
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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