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레포트로 제출하기 좋으실거에요




I had the most exciting experience of my life 4 years ago when I took part in a Taekwondo competition. I have learned Taekwondo when I entered the university. At first, I started learning it as one of my club activities. However, I wanted to be a great athlete, I practiced very hard everyday. I had many bruises just on my leg. I finally got the chance to check out my Taekwondo skills.
Our club members went to Changwon university to compete with other amateur college students. Even though they`re not professional athletes, they could really kick butt! I was so nervous.
Entering the ring in a blue uniform, I felt like everything went blank before my eyes and that time had stopped. A packed audience had their eyes fixed on the ring.
With the sound of the beep, the match got underway and from that point on I felt my tension got loose and I started to see the movement of the opponent. With quick steps and shouts of encouragement I found a way to overpower her. I got a point when my foot landed on her flank and put up my hands in my elated celebration. Soon after I gave up a point. Finally, there was only one minute left on the clock for the match.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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