[영작문,영어에세이] 사람들이 거짓말을 하는 이유
- 최초 등록일
- 2009.05.05
- 최종 저작일
- 2009.05
- 5페이지/ MS 워드
- 가격 2,000원
사람들이 거짓말을 하는 이유에 대해 적었습니다.
본론 - 이유 네개(1. 실수를 작게 보이기 하기 위해 2. 상황 회피 3. 선의의 거짓말(White lie) 4. 위험한 상황 피하기 위해)
결론 으로 이루어져 있으며, 그 예들과 근거들은 미국 대학교 논문이나 미국 사이트에서 찾앗습니다.
Cause and effect essay의 구조를 그대로 따랐습니다.
People do not want to be seen narrow person. Also, people use to use this kind of lying when they do not want to join some meeting which they hate. We have some other examples; we can see this kind of lying in some class. Some of students who do not well at painting could ask their friend to do painting instead them. But, at that time if professor or teacher catch the incident and ask them, they will deny their behavior. It seems as if we tell a lie to escape bad situations because it will be finished soon if not telling truth.
Third, we sometimes tell a whit lie not to hurt other’s feeling or make another feel uncomfortable. What is a good example for white lie and why people use white lie? Kathy,M.,(2001) cited and explained,
Remember the last time some- one called and woke you out of a sound sleep? The caller, hearing your sleepy voice, asked, “Did I wake you?” and your response was probably, “No, no, I was awake.” Why don’t we respond, “Yes, your call did wake m
참고 자료
Kathy,M.,(2001).The White Lies of Leadership: Caring Dishonesty?.Nursing Administration Quarterly,25(3),61-68. Retrieved April 18,2009, from Academic Search Premier.
Rita.H.(2008), why do people lie?,Info Guru, Catalogs.com.
Retrieved April 18, 2009 from,http://www.catalogs.com/info/relationships/why-do-people-lie.html
Jamie.W.(2001) When Do You Lie? Strategies For More Authentic, Respectful comunication. Inc.`s Small Business Success Newsletter.
Retrieved April 18, 2009 from , http://www.inc.com/articles/2001/08/23282.html
ETC: A Review of General Semantics ,61(2),p187-195
Retrieved April 18,2009, from Academic Search Premier.